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Looking Glass Eyes's Facebook Wall

My Perception of Time

- This is how I see time:
- Three squared in nine. The square root of nine is three. The effect of this is that. The cause of that is this.
- No matter when you solve the problem, three squared is still nine. No matter when you solve the problem, the square root of nine is still three. No matter when you experience the cause, the effect is the same. No matter when you experience the effect, the cause is the same.
- (3^2)*y=18. (3^2)*2=x. x=18. y=2. No matter when you solve it, the solution will be the same. No matter when you experience the solution, it will be the same. "a" squared plus "b" squared equals "c" squared. In a right angle, the two acute angles add up to ninety degrees.
- Time is not a line, nor a web. Time is a fact, or a compound of many facts. Each moment is another step in the solving of an equation, though it will never be completely solved. The present time is the point in the equation you are currently at, however, many facts beyond the one currently being dealt with are equally true to the one you are dealing with now, both conceptual facts as well as facts of steps in the equation which were present earlier, and which will yet be present. All of the equation and the facts involved exist constantly, regardless of what step your mind may currently be focussed upon. Your mind is part of the equation, and can be solved for, and is the solution for other parts of the equation.
- The fact of the universe is defined. Your life is not predetermined, but it is determined. The substance of cause and effect interrelation is static. In the big picture, the universe is a single, massive mathematical equation. You can represent a mathematical equation by writing it out on a chalkboard in many ways, but it is the facts expressed in the equation that are the essence analogous to my perception of time.


  1. Well, that explains it! No wonder I get so confused with time if it's mathematical! I can't keep numbers straight in any corner of my mind or life. Hence I rely on the clock which doesn't really distinguish anything of matter or interest regarding time. Very deep and intriguing thinking and probably a lot of truth within it all. Amazing how mathematical the world and universe really are!

  2. In asking what time it is, you are asking at what time is it now, which is like asking, not what is space, but at what space is it here. So, the literal answer would be, at the point in time when you asked the question, June nineteenth, twothousandten, eleven-fiftynine ante meridian. What time it is is unefected by my perception of what time is, in this sense.
    Though, perhaps you are pointing to a different spot in time whilst asking the question? Your consciousness may occupy any portion of time, though your body travels just as linearly through time as it does through space. Your consciousness could travel to any point in space as well. Of course, our imperfect minds often leave our consciousness in a memory or imagination that is even more erroneous than our original perception.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.