
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
-More important than that though, is what you think. Please, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Leave comments after each post to tell what's going on in your head. (click on the word "comments" below the post to do this) Don't worry too much about making sense or sounding sane, just share whatever thoughts are passing through your brain. You can go ahead and be completely random if you like. You don't even have to agree with everything you say. This is a place where your thoughts are welcome.
-You can also read comments that others have left, and leave comments that relate to those comments. Have a discussion. When you leave a comment, make sure the "e-mail follow up comments to..." box is checked so that you'll be updated if anyone else has a comment regarding the thoughts you share.

Looking Glass Eyes's Facebook Wall

Blogger really isn't working for us.

Just one sample of evidence would be the fact that nobody has responded to my comment on "Rooted in Order, Branching to Chaos."

It seems like several people on facebook read my blog, but don't give any feedback, probably because it would require them to sign in. Facebook's notification system has recently improved (for those of you who use it rather than leaving your farm vill notifications amassed at "99." I think you know who you are. Heehee.) so I was considering transferring my blog to a facebook group. Most of the people who give me feedback here are already on facebook anyway (and those who don't have or want to have a facebook account can do like I did at first if they want, and create a fake account under a fake name that has absolutely every setting set to private and has no friends and never posts any information whatsoever, and you can never use it except for one purpose. You could even make a fake gmail account to register it to. Of course, look where that got me... I've reconnected with more "friends" than I remembered even meeting in my life.)


 A pupil and a mentor stood in a garden. The mentor said, "Look, there is a dog."
¶ The pupil looked and confirmed, "Yes, there is a dog," and soon after the two left the garden without anything else having transpired.
¶ The next day the pupil and the mentor stood in another garden. The pupil said, "Look, there is a cat."
¶ The mentor looked and answered that he saw no cat, so the two began searching the garden. Among the plants they each found many birds and squirrels and other animals. Each time they would find one they would point it out to the other, and the mentor would sometimes ask if maybe the pupil had not seen a cat, but had seen this animal here, or that one there. They discussed each animal, to see if it might have been what the pupil had called a cat. After a good day of exploration, discussion, and learning, they found a dog and agreed that it had been what the pupil had called a cat, then left the garden.

Temporal and Non-Temporal Eternity

>Behold this particle, an immortal substance, a being which has always existed and will continue to exist for all Time. It is immortal, for its time did not begin and will not end. Its life is eternal... but only temporally eternal.
>Behold this truth, a material non-substance, a being which exists only outside of Time, having no past nor future. It is immortal, for it is above the beginning and end of Time. Its life is eternal... even non-temporally eternal.
>Behold this temporally immortal being, who is like a book that has always been sitting on the shelf and always will, whilst dust whirls in the air about it and the library cracks, is repaired, and cracks again. Remember that it sits there still.
>Behold this non-temporally immortal being who wrote in this book during mortality and then was erased by Death from spatiotemporal existence; having seen during mortality his own heart crack like the heavens giving birth, repair like an atonement of another generation, and crack again to communicate an end to this galaxy. Remember that it has transcended spatiotemporal existence.

>Know that that which is spatiotemporally existent is only here and now, even if it continues forever with here and now; but that which is spatiotemporally non existent (nowhere), but is non-temporally eternal, is omnipresent; for even as Time itself is present in one consideration and not another, so is its siblings who may be read inside of it but who exist outside of it. Note that the afore mentioned particle walks endlessly within Time as its child, but the afore mentioned truth walks ever alongside it as its sibling.
>Now understand the words used to communicate non-temporally eternal events do not actually discuss events. For example, an afore mentioned immortal child of Time may be birthed by time, but of course it never *was* birthed by time, rather it *is* birthed by time, for the truth of the family relationship between Time and a temporally eternal particle is a non-temporally eternal truth. See now that that which occurs "in the beginning" of a non-temporally eternal event is omnipresently occurring "in the beginning," not only in the past. May this add to your perspective and increase the value of knowledge you continue to receive.