
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
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Material & Real Truth

¶ The material world is secondary to reality, though it is the most absolute of truths. The truth within the material world is utterly invisible, and incomprehensible, save by the most enlightened of beings. Our realities exist exclusively inside our minds. Anything that is outside our mind is outside our reality.
¶ Matter and energy make up the material world, but the mind cannot be the mind without awareness. Awareness is not matter or energy, nor is it the result of functions of either, or both, of the two. Our brains, corporeal and spiritual, are computers of matter and energy, but we are aware of their processing and thus our minds contain thought. This thought contains judgments, which the material world doesn't have on it's own. We see the world from our perspectives, not seeing anything directly, but seeing a mould of the world that has been formed out of clouds of thought.
¶ In a world with none to be aware, and none to judge, there would be nothing. Though there may be a desolate world, but that world would not be perceived, and would be part of nobody’s reality. It would have material existence, but that existence would remain unnoticed. A computer, as a brain, (or as a pile of oblivious dirt) could exist on such a desolate world, without having awareness, and it would continue to have no existence save in material space, outside of the reality of all beings, entities, and so forth. All that I have described in this paragraph exists in your reality more than it would if it really existed in material reality, for if it actually existed, it would not be real. Because you are aware of the concept of it, you know it doesn't exist, though conceptually you can imagine it existing, but you must imagine that you can't imagine it, and in the act of imagining it, you are imagining it. I am trying to describe something unimaginable, but because you are imagining it, what I have described is clearly not what I intended to. It is impossible, because it is outside our realities. That is what I seek to communicate. The concept of the lack of concept. An awareness of the lack of awareness. (What would nothingness feel like?)
¶ Our perception of the material reality comes in the form of symbols. We see colours, shapes, textures. We hear, feel, taste... All these perceptions that we are aware of are occurring exclusively in our minds, for smell does not exist, particles exist which our sensory organs sense and process as a series of events. We may call them numbers, but numbers do not exist materially. The shape we call a number exists, but it is only a number when our thoughts make it real. (Notice: Words mean what they will, which is nothing, but I will word what I mean none the less. Please notice that when I use a word, there are several things I could be intending it to mean.) Our reality is one of symbols, thoughts, and concepts, all within the reality which is our mind. (Being that our minds are ourselves, and our minds are everything, we are everything, except everything else.) In the material world, there is no purpose, for such a thing is a concept. There is no meaning, will, desire, lack of desire, or feeling, though there be emotion. It is in our minds' reality that these things come forth, and thus only in us (as awareness’s, not just humans) is there any purpose, meaning, significance, interpretation, or feeling.
¶ The material world is secondary to reality, which reality is in the mind. The material world is a medium for organizing our thoughts. It's like a computer, full of data under the hood. We fill it up with archives, but we don't generally see the processes or numbers that it's calculating, we only see what shows up on the screen. I am typing this on a computer, and though I somewhat understand the workings of a computer, I cannot see much more than what's on the screen. Reality is one of concepts, which tend to be embodied in forms, colours, smells, and other such representations of the material world, out of the material world.
¶ Please excuse me if my wording is confusing, and consider the concept I've attempted to communicate. Don't try too hard to consider it in words, for you'd have to redefine all of your words to do so, and then you'd just have to re-redefine them again later to use them like you did before. After you have developed a greater understanding of the concept in whatever form of symbols however concrete, you will be able to find the words to attempt to discuss the concept, like my attempt, and as more people consider the concept, more people will be able to communicate it. This is the concept of concept, awareness of awareness, and the observation of the reality that exists behind our sight, and nowhere relative to our eyes, as our eyes exist nowhere relative to it. (Unless it has location in the material world? How would it if it, not being matter or energy?) Also, please excuse my inconsistencies, or better yet, don't.
¶ Now I hand the baton of this thought to you, which baton is a symbol, which is my point. The symbol of batons have meaning too us, even thought they, as material items, have no meaning to themselves or any other material thing. The concept of a baton though, communicates an idea, just as these letters, which have no meaning whatsoever in material reality, are meaningful symbols in our minds' realities. (A brain can process the associations with a baton, and the functions, and compare similarities between a baton and other events, (metaphor) but it is not aware of this processing without us, as awareness's, and none of it is real outside our minds.)
¶ I said only a fraction of what I wished to communicate, though I expect I communicated only a fraction of what I said. That happens a lot, which is why I'm asking you to explain the rest of this to yourself for me.


  1. I think therefor I am. While I can read your words and know the meaning they are nonetheless immaterial. They may appear to exist on the screen and they may appear to be your thoughts but In reality I can not prove that they are anything more then my imagination. The question then is whether or not I am alone. For I know that I exist because I think but I do not know of your existence.You may tell me that you think but how do I know that I am not thinking that you say such things to make myself feel less alone in the universe. I may have invented the computer that I type on in my mind. The Passing of the King of Pop may be just a thought and the Wars of some while others long for peace is just an internal conflict caused by some lack of decision making or perhaps a sign of schizophrenia.(which is of course nothing more then a personal thought and not a real condition)
    However I doubt this is the case for if the mind were the only reality what then are dreams and why am I not living life like a great dream.Why would I give others power over myself in my own mind and how did Bill Gates and Obama become so powerful while I work on getting a college degree? Have I given them power by my doubt what is "real". I think not for I know that I am writing this response however in so doing I know that you have no proof that this is not a figment of your imagination that gives you answer as you ponder your previous thoughts. I also have no proof that your question was not brought on by some subconscious thought of my own. And Thus while we each believe that we think and we each think that the other thinks neither can prove the others existence in a material world.

  2. Aye. And in the end, we concern ourselves with reality, which is in our minds.
    I recently discovered a word concerning this philosophy, and that word is "Qualia." Here's a wikepidia article on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia
    Quale are properties we experience that are not part of material reality, such as the colour red. The wavelength red exists materially, but the colour exists exclusively in our minds.
    This all pertains to my essay, "The Colour Blue," which I believe is the first post on this blog.
    In this essay, "Material and Real Truth", I think my primary point is to explain how superficial material reality is, and how the core of relevant truth is in our minds' reality. Do you ever look around, and notice how artificial matter looks, how foreign it feels? I do.

  3. Without the thinking processes that we each have developed, there is no reality for any of us. We each process the matter around us in different ways, although it may be the same matter. Thus, as in the essay, "The Color Blue", we each may have totally differing perceptions of the same matter. That is what makes us each unique and insane. We process our surroundings based on our own preconceived ideas and perceptions and rarely do we know the full truth of what is happening to us or within us. We make so many mistakes and judgments based on our misconceptions and then try to move forward with an incorrect map of reality. Is it any wonder we are all confused and struggling to know who we are trying to become? I am so grateful for those who have a more truthful reality and can help to pull me back to the proper line of thinking before I lose my sanity completely. I appreciate the strength of your convictions, Sebastian, and your ability to sort through the chaos of thought and make it more clear and profoundly true for me and others. You make the world sound sensible by putting it into a perspective that rings true for me.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.