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When Science and Religion Disagree, They Don't Exist

¶ I have always found science versus religion debates very painful to listen to. Perhaps this is because both sides make such weak arguments. Everybody gets upset at each other without anybody actually managing to make a valid point.
¶ Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." I must say, that is well said.
¶ Science and religion do not contend with each other. If they claim to, then at least one of them isn't real. Arguments between so called "science" and so called "religion" are merely arguments of who said what and who agrees with whom. Neither is based in any scientific or religions grounds. Real science and real religion do not contend.
¶ Science is knowledge. It is learning to understand the universe. It is where our brain is. It is the facts. It is truth.
¶ Religion is willpower. It is the focus of our devotion. It is where our heart is at. It is our drive. It is our spirit. It is what we care about.
¶ Nobody studies science without religion, for without religion, nobody cares about science. Nobody practices religion without science, for without science, nobody knows what to practice. Nobody lives without science and religion. "Science without religion is lame. religion without science is blind." (That which cannot affect the world and cannot be effected by the world, doesn't exist.) No university is without religion. No church is without science.
¶ Arguments are the result of stubborn people, and nothing more.
¶ I think I've made my point clearly enough. Now here's a thought that's almost on a completely different subject. If Earth was created six or seven thousand years ago, and this rock has existed for billions of years, then how much of the existence of this rock was Paradise, before Earth? Or was this rock ever called Paradise? If not, then what was it called before it became "Earth," six or seven thousand years ago? And when did humans start calling this rock "Earth?" It doesn't seem to have been a proper noun in biblical times, as references to "earth" in the scriptures seem to me to always refer to earth, not Earth (soil, and landmasses, not this planet). And if this rock was Paradise before it was Earth, what was it before it was Paradise? And what was the stuff the earth is made of used in before this rock?
¶ To bring that last paragraph back around to the subject of the rest of the essay, I'll say this: I myself don't have the science to answer these questions definitively, and it is not terribly important to my religion to do so. If the religion God the Omniscient (all science) wishes me to follow required me to know these things, He would provide a special way to attain the answer; but this is not the case (that I know), so I suppose the answers do not pertain significantly to my happiness. Nevertheless, blessed are the truth seekers, and to be learned is good, so it can't hurt to ponder so long as I consider moderation in all things and put none before Him.

1 comment:

  1. Very well stated and once again, thought provoking. Makes me realize how stubborn I am to ever argue. I need to work on that because obviously, I wouldn't find a reason to argue if I would just stick to the truth of things and not worry about my own opinion and stubbornness. Thanks for the reminder. God would indeed let us know if it were important for our survival.


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