
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
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Conclusion Umbrella

¶ A while back I wrote a comicbook by surreal means. After completing it, I interpreted, and "Conclusion Umbrella" is the name of that interpretation. The story, as I saw it, was about a lonely kid trying to share himself, but being rejected for his attempts at sincerity. None returned the sincerity to bridge the loneliness, until a little girl shared herself with him and reopened his door to wonderland. In wonderland he could explore endless possibilities by letting go of his static identity, and in so doing he discovered something for which he had a passion.
¶ Wonderland is the canopy on the umbrella of reality, a land of dreams overlooking possibilities. A child's mind dances through its gardens learning about all the things they could become. It is a vantage point from which we can see the map we are trying to traverse.
¶ An umbrella needs a handle though. To see and explore the possibilities will only bring chaos if we don't also choose and live one path from among the many. Things like Zen may make up this "One Path." By being aware of the present and our role in it, we maintain the order required to keep the umbrella of our reality in its healthy form.
¶ The "Many Possibilities" is the canopy, and the "One Path" is the handle, both very important parts of the umbrella. Many people have inadequacy in both, carrying little more than a shaft. The many possibilities may be expanded by exploring anywhere, from our own dreams, to those of our neighbors. Empathetic interactions expand our understanding of lives beyond our own, broadening our horizons and turning us from isolation to freedom. Study and learning on a wide range of topics can give us a better grasp on the world beyond ourselves. The one path may be refined by putting aside distractions to focus wholeheartedly on each task our life brings us. By being aware and conscious, we don't just find the life we want, but we live it. Integrity in our actions and feelings gives us solidarity and lets us live with passion. Following our one path we gain an understanding and mastery of the things that are most important to us.
¶ That is Conclusion Umbrella.


  1. Very profound. I like the anlagy of the umberella indicating the need for imagination while being rooted to our purpose in life. One is not complete without the other. Without imangination we are shallow and without being rooted to reality we are crazy.

  2. And without the canopy of the umbrella, we are narrowminded, while without the handle, we have no direction.

  3. I would like to see this idea pushed further. I think It could make a great primes for a thrilling screenplay. A mystery without murder. Something to get people really thinking.

  4. What sort of story were you thinking? I don't know if the original one would be too surreal for most people, especially as it would make even less sense outside my own mind.

  5. As are most things you write. (As in makes less sense outside your own mind)

  6. I don't know how much of my writing really makes so much less sense outside of my own mind, it just ceases to be my sense, and begins to be the reader's sense instead.
    As such, the comments y'all add are the most important part of these posts.

    (Of course, the surreal comic didn't make any definite sense, because, well, it was surreal. However, because I was there when it was written, I have extra info to help me make sense of it. Though I suppose that's nothing different. If someone else read that comic, they might not arrive to conclusion umbrella at all, but get a completely different idea. That would be cool too.)


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.