
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
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End User, Experience

¶ It seems to me that the material world (finite and infinite) is a computer, oblivious but ever processing, receiving input and sending output to the end user. This end user is spirit, not in the infinite material sense of the word, as a ghost or some such thing, but in the same sense as in "The Spirit of Christmas," "The Spirit or Giving," "The Spirit of Love," or more evil spirits such as "The Spirit of Contention." I mean by this the qualia, the experiences, that we seem to feel within us. Perhaps those "feelings" actually are us, the end users, operating this computer, this tool, for the betterment of the real, "spiritual," world.
¶ These experiences, this consciousness, this awareness, is not only an observer and interpreter of material arrangements, translating meaningless arrangements of matter and energy into meaningful concepts; but is also giving input to the computer (For the analogy is not of the material world being a television, or a fractal generator, but a computer.). Our own spirits may shift from being one sort of spirit to being another. We would rather be good spirits than evil ones, and thus we wield these corporeal vassals to reach the conceptual places and spiritual states which we most thrive upon.
¶ Our brains can only store memories as data, and I'm not sure that awareness needs actual "memory" of its own. All things exist in the here and now, dimension zero of time and space, existing at one point on a map, and one point in time, regardless of the infinite omnidimensional realm in which those points could, have, and shall yet exist. Matter is immortal, though the forms it takes die each moment to make way for new forms. Experience has no form or location, and its memory may be merely its fact of existence, while when it existed is irrelevant. There is a common desire, a sort of spirit of curiosity, which may call for a computer of a sort not limited as our finite brain is. A kind of particle with a mass of zero point zero continued one (units N/A) could be assembled into bodies much like our finite ones, but containing brains that can collect and hold infinite data. These material spirits might be able to create an endless scape of molds for awareness within any amount of space, letting immaterial spirit dance from one "form" to another across the infinite brain that is assembled.
¶ Another thought I just had is this: If the infinite brain had to record an infinite brain, the two brains would become infinitely more infinite every moment. Could such a thing be possible, plausible, or reasonable? It sounds like some sort of paradox to me. If on the other hand the infinite brain existed to record the finite brain, or conversely, if the finite brain existed to be recorded by the infinite brain, then through the connection of the three things, finite matter, infinite spiritual matter, and this awareness, consciousness, intelligence, experience thing, there would be formed something which is both conscious as well as enduring, with the capacity to expand, explore, search, and grow. With the awareness of awareness itself, the infinite memory of material spirit, and the endless possibilities for growth contained within the possible arrangements of finite matter, the world seems less existential.
¶ Discussion, thoughts, feedback, questions, suggestions, or reactions seemingly spontaneously generated from nowhere and having no apparent connection? Leave a comment.


  1. Do you ever feel like your not part of this world? Like your just an observer, a tourist standing on the outside while others live their lives?

    Perhaps we are the bits, bites and nibbles of this grand computer simply transferring spirit as it moves from user(God?) input to random access memory and then gets written to the hard-drive where it is stored or emailed across the universe to another user who responds giving us further ques to act out our lives for output on some screen for the "user" to enjoy.

    But this rises the question, are we a production application, a business tool, word processor or just some game like SIMS?

  2. There are many ways to express what our existance means and involves. We can ponder the reason for existence or for that matter the small hairs growing on our knuckles but does pondering these things advance our understanding of how our lives relate with those around us in a social experience? Do these ponderings aide us in progress in this very real and tangable life we are living as corporal living beings? I suggest that there comes a point in pondering where it becomes only for the sake of pondering and loses any purposful benfit in advancing our lives, families and professions. One of our most important purposes of this life is to serve others while establshing relationships. It is important to be part of the society we desire to influence. Ryan asked if you feel like an observer or part of the world. We are observers but it is also paramont that we be participants.

  3. "Do these ponderings aide us in progress in this very real and tangable life we are living as corporal living beings?"
    That is the definition of Philosophy; Thinking thoughts that are not necessary for survival. Some such thoughts end up benefiting our survival after all, such as development of flying machines, while others merely entertain, and occasionally some drive people insane.
    I cannot predict if one of my thoughts shall be remembered as a whimsical puzzle I was once entertained with, or if it shall become a fundamental part of me, but presently, this thought seems to be giving me a sense of wakefulness, much like Zen. I used to feel like a mere observer, but not lately.

  4. As for what applications "we" are, I think we can choose to run on our computers any program we like. Lots of people just take the starting Microsoft package and use Internet Exploder and whatnot, but others customize their computer and download programs that better suit their preferences. Some become a tool of their applications, getting addicted to online games and serving to profit the game programmers, while others run programs that make the lives they want to live more easy to live.

  5. Another thought I've had since then is: an infinitely small particle would probably only be able to apply an infinitely small force on finite matter, which wouldn't be enough to do anything, unless it struck at a moment of equilibrium. Not that that means anything. None of this article means much to me at the moment.

  6. Another other thought I've had since then is: The spirit, awareness, sentience, intelligence, thing must function either according to logical patterns or theoretically according to chaos. This is just the same as how matter must operate, and therefore in the big picture the universe is fundamentally no more or less meaningful because of our being in it. This is why the existentialist philosophy goes from saying that there is no fundamental meaning, to saying that you are free to make up whatever meaning you feel like. Like the meaning God invented, or the other meanings that other beings, like ourselves, invent according to logical patterns.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.