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>Why should you be any more aware than my cat? And doesn’t he look like a machine, only appearing to be more aware than a spoon because of his being animated? And, between a spoon and my cat there is a blender, also animated, but not as fluidly. Why should you expect you are any more aware than these things?
>Obviously, you have sensory organs, but these don’t give you awareness, they merely sense stimuli. You have a brain which processes electrochemical chain reactions which you are aware of as thoughts. You have glands which release neurotransmitters, emotions which you are aware of as feelings. None of these things grant you any more awareness than a spoon, they merely give you different things to be aware of.
>Do all things not have spirit? Intelligence? Awareness? If not, then why would you?


  1. Does a spoon have a spirit? Does your blender? Who can ever truely hope to define, true awareness? You do not have to be aware of something for it to exist. In fact, the vast mojority of existence goes completely unnoticed.

    Y would I have inteligance? When a spoon and the blender do not? Cause I was and am a child of God.

  2. Did He not make all things in spirit first? Do all things not have intelligence?
    The only one who can define true awareness, is you. (I could say it's me, but though that would be true upon writing it, it would be a lie upon reading it.) Nobody is aware any awareness but there own. Awareness as I speak of it here, is the experience of qualia.
    Indeed, the vast majority of existence goes unnoticed by most polyscient minds, which is especially interesting as it means that all we know is out of context due to what's missing.
    (You posted anonymously. If you meant to, cool, but if not, who are you?)

  3. I think I missed reading this one. I am wondering if I am any more aware than a spoon....perhaps, but who really knows?

    Do these questions really even need answers? One could drive himself mad trying to figure out some of the stuff you ponder.

  4. "You mustn't always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer." -Pablo Picasso

    On the other hand, this question does connect into other questions, and so it's answer has its relevance within theory and gedankenexperiments.

  5. There are spiritual creations, and intelligences given to the rocks and the trees. Dose this mean each pebble is aware? Dose this mean every atom or quark of that pebble has intelligence? If so is my body full of mass and living organisms run my millions of intelligences?

    Most likely yes. Each cell has its own life span and intelligence, each cell may well have a spirit however In the beginning the Intelligences where many and One was greater then all other and that Intelligence was God. So to We are of greater intelligence then our individual cells and as such we are a god unto our own body. I would also say that the intelligences endowed in our living cells which must perform there active tasks are greater intelligences then those endowed upon an immovable rock. By my intelligence in the premortal world I was found bright enough to be called a son of God and My intelligence was born of god into a spirit creation which chose to follow a plan of salvation and revive a body which joined with spirit formed my soul. This soul has passed through a veil and levees me to ask, Am I yet smarter then my blender? However While I may ask I am not unequipped to find an answer which transcends personal awareness for I may ask an omnipotent being and join with awareness of others through spite.
    Thus by the spirit of God which is the gift of the holy ghost and through whom all things can be known and all things can be brought unto our remembrance even those things which where known before the veil, I can say unto you that I am more aware then a spoon.

  6. I too have long thought that, this idea of a system of command over the parts of one's sub-sentences. Yet, where does my sentience begin and end?
    At the edges of what I clearly know there is a fog which seems penetrable if only the light closer to the centre had not obscured my eyes from seeing out. What the light illuminates is as you say, the intelligences I rule over. I see the faces of these stretching as far as I can see, like squares on an endless quilt, and would assume that they continue to stretch equally seemliness beyond the fog. Then I realize that this "I" I'm referring too is the centre of the light of consciousness, for this "I" is the concious self, and as far as I can walk with my light is as far as I can see clearly, and no further.
    It dawns on me that I can only see the faces of these sentient beings, and I wonder what a sentience a metre to the left would be like. Then I step a metre to the left, and I observe the faces of the sentient beings from this new perspective, and consider that they are my faces. I continue to walk, taking a different face with each step, and soon the faces that were mine before have faded into the dimness I've walked away from, and I can no longer see them, and they are not faces of mine.
    Then I stop and consider, only the squares I light are my face, and my light is limited. What of a brighter light, that encompasses more squares than my light, even one that encompasses them all, if there is any end to their number?
    I realize I was wrong to think that "I" am their sentience, for I am only an observer, a tiny fraction of the omnipresent light.
    I search the faces of the intelligences and learn about the omnipresent light, and its faces (which all the faces are) teach me to brighten, and I know that the more I brighten the closer I will actually be to being the true sentience.
    ...Got to go, I'll finish this thought later.

  7. Ok, so, basically what was trying to say was, one awareness isn't necessarily divided from another. What is divided is the objects of the one awareness, and that sort of fades off towards the edges of your own consciousness.
    If it weren't for the spoon, the body of consciousness you make available to awareness would be different, and therefore you would not be the same you. What troubles you that the spoon should have more or less awareness than you? Everything is working together as a whole to create the environment in which the parts of the whole may exist as themselves.

    On the other hand, if objects embody awareness, than it would be logical that your sensory organs (which are large armies of tiny objects all working together for one cause) would drown out the sounds of all the other objects that make up you. This not only in the physical sense, but also the spiritual, for since writing this post, I've come to strongly doubt that any physical object at all has any awareness whatsoever. Awareness is tied more into spiritual objects, and every physical object is a physical embodiment of spiritual objects.
    (Which means that all physical objects do have awareness, just to emphasise my technique of contradicting myself.)

    How much more "you" is the brain in your head than the spoon with which you eat? You are more than these things, and also, in other senses, only these things.

    But, if you know by the spirit, then you know. I don't know what you know by what you've said, because I don't know what you mean by "aware" or any of the rest of the sentence, but you may well know.

  8. Lots of good reading here, thank you! I had been checking on yahoo when I uncovered your post, I’m going to add your feed to Google Reader, I look forward to far more from you.


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