
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
-More important than that though, is what you think. Please, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Leave comments after each post to tell what's going on in your head. (click on the word "comments" below the post to do this) Don't worry too much about making sense or sounding sane, just share whatever thoughts are passing through your brain. You can go ahead and be completely random if you like. You don't even have to agree with everything you say. This is a place where your thoughts are welcome.
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Looking Glass Eyes's Facebook Wall

Passing 'neath a maple tree

I meant to post something like this a while ago, but never came up with anything beautiful enough. Still haven't. Oh well, maybe it will sound better on your end.

Passing 'neath a maple tree, it's leaves golden and oránge,
a collection of men, three, had some words to exchange.
A leaf, a discarded sheet of foliage, fell to the cobble path.
one of the three, a sage, cried out "A sign at last!
As this leaf before me is graced with veins of red,
so is my heart that pleas to let my friends be fed.
Now I know that the thing I need to understand
is: this hand's for giving!" Anew he saw his hand.
The second man there growled "Nonsense! Deciduous
is all it is!" He howled "A sign? Preposterous!"
Then the last of the three asked if it were a sin
to learn from things that be, but speak only within.
"For despite the language that this sanguine leaf speaks
in his ear the foliage gave the lesson he seeks."
All these things did transpire beneath a maple tree
in which a smile slyer than suspected by th'three
sat watching, and speaking as it dropped one more leaf,
"They got not my meaning, but clarity's not chief.
What they understood I hadn't in my mind,
but still it was good, though my thoughts they don't find."


  1. This is somewhat different from your usual writing style and not quite so polished, but it has good rhythm and meaning. Keep it up!
    I liked your descriptive autumn imagery not posted here. Could have included some of that as well.

  2. Indeed, "unpolished" is a good description. It's a message I've been wanting to post for a while, so I just went ahead and did so, regardless of the fact that I wasn't coming up with any poetic ways of wording it.

  3. I liked the idea of this. You might want to revisit it.

    Also concerning the formatting problem you are having. I wonder if you write it as a word document and then copy it into the post if it would be better and easier?

  4. Yeah, I think I've figured out how these different applications read HTML well enough to be able to translate between them in the future.

  5. I think you meant
    'clarity" in the third line from the bottom. "They got not my meaning, but clarity's not chief.

  6. Ah, yes. "Clarity." Thank you. I've fixed it now.

  7. Just read this agiain. Good work. I liked it more this time than last. Keep on writing.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.