
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
-More important than that though, is what you think. Please, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Leave comments after each post to tell what's going on in your head. (click on the word "comments" below the post to do this) Don't worry too much about making sense or sounding sane, just share whatever thoughts are passing through your brain. You can go ahead and be completely random if you like. You don't even have to agree with everything you say. This is a place where your thoughts are welcome.
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From Beneath the Door

From beneath the door
shines a crack of light upon the floor.
It's majestic mystery captivates me.
I stare at it until I see
something, I can't quite tell what.
The door is not quite shut
and it seems neither is the floor.
The black and white lines are more
than just the grains of wood.
Through the ground I could
(though not yet clearly)
another world see.
The shadows were blinds
pulled over the shines.
A whole world lay in the light
on the other side of my present sight.
Then again none of this was true,
but rather black islands were strewn
upon an ocean reflecting eternity;
a light washed blue infinity.
And still none of this was so,
(Or, if it was I do not know)
but rather it was layers of white clouds
stacked over earthen shrouds;
or a luminous plain broken
off into the dark depths of oblivion.
And again I looked and saw a hill,
I on its dark side lying still.
And with another look, a mound,
though this time not of the ground,
but rather of sticks stacked.
Then to the start I fell back
when my eyes went out of focus,
leaving me again in our world mysterious.
All this I saw upon the floor
illuminated by the light from beneath the door.


  1. I like the visual black and white lines of this poem and all the similes that they can refer to in the mind's eye. Very artistically written as we can all relate to the shadows and light and feel the imagination of what those could conjur in the creative mind. I like that you have written in a poetic verse.

  2. Great work. Your righting is a joy to read.


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