
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
-More important than that though, is what you think. Please, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Leave comments after each post to tell what's going on in your head. (click on the word "comments" below the post to do this) Don't worry too much about making sense or sounding sane, just share whatever thoughts are passing through your brain. You can go ahead and be completely random if you like. You don't even have to agree with everything you say. This is a place where your thoughts are welcome.
-You can also read comments that others have left, and leave comments that relate to those comments. Have a discussion. When you leave a comment, make sure the "e-mail follow up comments to..." box is checked so that you'll be updated if anyone else has a comment regarding the thoughts you share.

Looking Glass Eyes's Facebook Wall

A Psychology Assignment

¶This is an assignment I did for psychology class at the beginning of this school year. The objective was to introduce myself.
¶The writing in the middle says, "Who I am, who I think I am, who you think I am, and who I tell you I am differ. As such I choose now to tell you that I am who I think you think I am."

(Click on images to enlarge them. When I did, it made it too large, but with firefox at least I could right click and view it in a more convenient mode. I don't know 'bout other browsers.)


  1. Did you make all this in photoshop? Did you get the parts on line or are some of them your photos? However it was made I like it. We have students at my college that don't make art as nice as this. I also really like the text.

  2. I used ArtRage, for which program I ought to thank you. Most pictures were from online, except the pictures of me... actually, I think even those I got from online.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.