
-This is my page where I intend to share my thoughts and ideas. Some of what I post is like the paintings of René Magritte (there is no meaning intended in them). Some things I post will hopefully spark a thought in you that will lead to something good. I have stories, essays, poems, et cetera. I hope you enjoy what I've written.
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Senseless Song Scraps

The following are lines and titles from songs that I placed together at random. Have fun.

The messenger's wig seems fraught with desire, for blueberry picnics and pince-nez and magpies to peanuts and ketchup, sanctimonious sycophants stir in the bushes, The lock upon my garden gate's a snail, that's what it is. scratch out his eyes with the tip of a razor, let the wire extend from the tip of a rose, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Oh! Elevator in the brain hotel, Broken down but just as well-a jumpsuit and pig meat and making his fortune, If the sun don't come, you get a tan From standing in the English rain.
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is Riding the backs of giraffes for laughs is alright for a while The Deathless Horsie, Such a tiny speculating whether to be a hippo or Skip along quite merrily. scoop out his brain, put a string where his ears were. Gee, I like your pants, So I lit a fire, isn't it good, Norwegian wood. Pink Napkins, Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
Looking through a glass onion, See the young monk meditating, rhododendron forest, a rubber line tied to chairs and rare bits pay another player, tantalize poets with visions of grandeur, He made him fly thru a hole, Till he grew real old, And he never came down, He just flew till he burst.
Peaches En Regalia, We never bothered to scream When your mask came off, Standing on the cast iron shore, yeah, Fixing a hole in the ocean, Tryin' to make a dovetail joint puncture the bloat with the wing of a sparrow, Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey, relent and obverse and inverse and perverse and reverse the inverse of perverse and reverse and reverse an reverse and reverse and reverse and chop it and pluck it and cut it and spit it and sew it to joy Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
We'll give every life For the crackpot notion, Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday. Mister moonlight succulent smooth and gorgeous. Isn't it nice? an overdub has no choice And it cannot rejoice And the pills that I took Made my fingers disappear, My, my the clock in the sky is pounding away. Rectify moments, most serious and urgent, to hail upon the face of most odious time, requiring replies most facile and vacuous. The porpoise is laughing, he bites on the neon and sleeps in the capsule.

From songs by The Beatles, Frank Zappa, Donovan, David Bowie, The Velvet Underground, and The Monkees.


  1. I guess you had to be there. Oh, wait, I think I was! Yep. Lived through the 60's and 70's and it pretty much was like this. But notice how often we wish to go back?

  2. 'crackpot notion' pretty much summed that up. It sounded great, but I had no idea what it meant.


What's going through your mind after reading that? Write it here, along with anything else that maybe almost at least vaguely relevant.